In the process of raising chickens, farmers will formulate feeds for chickens at different growth stages. When formulating feed formulas scientifically, the nutrients in the feed rations are balanced and comprehensive, and a reasonable mix of feeds is realized, so as to obtain high benefits and low costs. Only when various nutrients (such as energy, protein, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, etc.) meet the nutritional needs of chickens and reach the ratio level, can the conversion rate of feed reach the expected level. So, what are the chicken feed formulas? Let’s take a look at chicken feed formulations and some essential substances in chicken feed.
Lima feed machinery has been working in the feed farming industry for more than ten years, as the professional manufacturer and exporter of feed equipment. We specialize in the production of fish feed extruders, poultry feed pellet machines, and corresponding production lines. If you have any questions about the feed pellet industry, please feel free to contact us.
Four essential raw materials in chicken feed
1. Carbohydrate feed
It mainly contains starch and sugars, which can account for less than 70% of the ration mix.
- Corn: It is one of the highest energy feeds in cereal feeds, which can account for 45% to 70% of the mix.Most of the feed is corn. Corn is rich in heat energy and can provide chicken pigment, which is what we generally call corn chicken. Because it has natural carotene, it can make the chicken look yellow. Of course, you have to eat enough. It takes a certain amount and time to appear. But pure corn can’t make chickens get enough nutrition, so it must be combined with other nutrients.
- Bran: The palatability is good, and the content of protein and carbon is more, which can account for 5% to 30% of the mixture.
- Barley: Due to the high content of crude fiber, the amount should not be too much, which can account for 15% to 20% of the mixture.
- Sorghum: The taste is astringent, too much will make the chicken constipate, which can account for about 10% of the mixture.
- Rice bran: It is often used as an auxiliary material and should not exceed 8% of the mixture.

2. Protein feed
Contains 30% to 65% of protein, which can account for 5% to 30% of the mixture.
- Bean cake, peanut cake: It is a good plant protein feed with good palatability and comprehensive nutrition, which can account for 10% to 20% of the mixed feed
- Cotton kernel cake: Due to toxins, the dosage should not be too much, generally not more than 7% of the mixed feed.
- Fish meal: It is the highest quality animal protein, which can account for 5% to 15% of the mix. The salt content of fish meal should be calculated, and the content of fish meal used should not exceed 0.4% of the mixture.
3. Green feed
Insufficiency of main vitamin supplements, which can account for less than 30% of the mixture.
- Various fresh green and green vegetables: The consumption accounts for 20%-30% of the mixture.
- Leaves: Green leaves such as acacia and amorpha can account for 5% to 10% of the mixture.

4. Mineral feed
- It mainly supplements the lack of minerals in the mixture, which can account for 0.3%-9% of the mixture.
- Bone meal: Mainly supplement calcium and phosphorus, which can account for 1% to 2.5% of the mixture.
- Shell powder: Mainly supplement the lack of calcium, which can account for 1% to 7% of the mix. Laying hens should use more, and other chickens should use less.
- Salt: It mainly supplements the lack of sodium in the mixture, which often accounts for 0.3% to 0.4% of the mixture. The salt content of fish meals is also included.
- Gravel: It is often added after chickens are 1 month old, which can increase the utilization rate of feed, which can account for 0.5% to 1% of the mix.
Feed formula of broiler chickens in different period
Broilers are divided into three stages: the young chicken stage, the middle stage, and the broiler stage, and the feed composition of each stage is different.

1. Feed formula for broiler chickens
- Corn 55.3%, soybean meal 38%, calcium hydrogen phosphate 1.4%, stone powder 1%, salt 0.3%, oil 3%, and additives 1%.
- Corn 54.2%, soybean meal 34%, rapeseed meal 5%, calcium hydrogen phosphate 1.5%, stone powder 1%, salt 0.3%, oil 3%, and additives 1%.
- Corn 55.2%, soybean meal 32%, fish meal 2%, rape meal 4%, calcium hydrogen phosphate 1.5%, stone powder 1%, salt 0.3%, oil 3%, and additives 1%.
2. Feed formula of chicken in the meat
- Corn 58.2%, soybean meal 35%, calcium hydrogen phosphate 1.4%, stone powder 1.1%, salt 0.3%, oil 3%, and additives 1%.
- Corn 57.7%, soybean meal 27%, fish meal 2%, rape meal 4%, cotton meal 3%, calcium hydrogen phosphate 1.3%, stone powder 1.2%, salt 0.3%, oil 2.5%, and additives 1%.
- Corn 57.2%, soybean meal 31.5%, rapeseed meal 5%, calcium hydrogen phosphate 1.3%, stone powder 1.2%, salt 0.3%, oil 2.5%, and additives 1%.
With a good feed formula, of course, high-quality chicken feed equipment is needed to help you produce high-quality chicken feed. Lima poultry feed pellet machine has a simple structure, low noise, and wide applicability, which is the ideal equipment for the production of livestock and poultry feed pellets.