Fish feed floats on the water face due to colorful reasons like low bulk viscosity, air sacs in extruded feed, low humidity, buoyancy – water stability & other extrusion properties nominated as floating fish feed.
Ingredients selection has a tremendous impact on final product texture, uniformity, extrudability, nutritive quality, and profitable viability. Within certain limits set by a nutritionist, the extrusion cooking process can produce a wide range of products. In general, during the extrusion cooking of cereal grain and protein composites, the moistened grainy or powdery accouterments are converted into dough. The stiff factors gelate, performing in a substantial uptake of humidity and an increase in dough density. The part of many component properties like starch, protein, fiber & fat.
Why making floating fish feed pellets

Before talking about how to make floating fish feed pellets, let us talk about why making floating fish feed pellets? First, we need to know about the advantages of floating fish feed pellets. generally speaking, floating fish feed has numerous advantages over sinking feeds. The raw material is propelled by the screw along the barrel of the extruder and cooked at 120- 175 °C for about 30 seconds, the floating fish feed pellets are easier to digest as a product of the cuisine process, and heat and stress will also inactivate and destroy enzymes. The increased bounce gelatinization helps the feed stabilize further in the water because it breaks down more sluggishly, giving the fish enough time to finish eating.
How To Make Fish Feed Pellets Floating?
High Starch Gelatinization
Substantially used for carbohydrates & important sources of energy in livestock feed. When gelatinization occurs during extrusion cuisine, starch becomes answerable and absorbs large amounts of water. Starch also contributes to both expansion and list in the final product, especially important for aquatic feed. Floating fish feed needed a minimum of 20% starch in the formula.

After the raw accouterments are treated at high temperatures, the starch gelatinization degree can be increased by 80- 99%, and the aquatic fish are easy to digest.
Main constituents used for floating fish feed & Fish feed formulation
Raw accouterments of floating fish feed substantially include fish meal, fish oil,de-oiled galettes, minerals & vitamins-mix. Starch, Protein, fat & crude fiber are major composites of fish feed constituents.

Indeed though extruder conditions have an influence on whether a product floats or sinks, the primary influence is controlled by the formulation itself. High situations of fat will ensure that the product will sink. High situations of starch, or the addition of gelatinizable protein sources in the raw feed formulation, help to ensure that the product will float. When banishing a shaped product it’s important that the quantum of expansion be controlled so that the product doesn’t puff further than asked or lower than asked or come distorted due to erratic puffing. In addition, the product should have a structure compatible with the mouth feel asked in the final product. This is shown not only in the extruder but also by the exit humidity of the particles and by the knife operation.